508/1-001 (CERN)



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Sean John Freeman (via zoom), Simone Gilardoni, Wolfgang Bartmann, Alexandre Obertelli, Francois Butin (via zoom), Quentin Joel Demassieux, Oliver Aberle


A first layout was discussed, (see attached pictures)

The orientation and length is fitting well between the first switch yard, the existing wall passage towards the space reserved for PUMA.

Wolfgang pointed out a missing component ZQNA after the switch yard, (to be corrected in the pictures).

This preliminary layout is considering at the moment only Bi and ABT equipment and a copy paste of the Paul trap and the MR-ToF from MIRACLS. Next iteration has to be done with Vacuum.


Early August, Survey will do a measurement and definition of the entry point, the existing first switch yard. Later on there will be a marking of the new beam line and one or two scans of the area.


During the discussion about the integration it was agreed on:

- Deliver a spatial reference (position) for handover point to PUMA collaboration

-Get the technical specification for the MR-ToF (Oliver to contact Stephan).

-Clarify the ownership of the MIRACLS equipment and operational schedule of the experiment. Equipement property and hardware should go to CERN, while PUMA collaboration can assist with development and know-how.

-Transfer and use the MR-ToF and Paul trap without modification in the new beam line, managed by the PUMA collaboration.

-Simulate the elements in the RC 6 line (new fellow (C. Klink) arriving in August under supervision of F. Butin).

A. Obertelli asked if there could be the possibility to apply for a PhD position to work on the MR-ToF. The answer is yes, we should account for in the budget estimate.


There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 14:30 15:30
      Discussion on new beam line for PUMA in ISOLDE (RC 6) 1h 864/2-B29 - SY-STI Visitors Room

      864/2-B29 - SY-STI Visitors Room


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