5:30 PM
[video] Enabling data discovery in big datasets
de Teodoro, Pilar
5:31 PM
[video] Using the REGARDS Framework for the renewal of the CNES archive system
Petiton, Julien
5:32 PM
ERS-1/2 SAR and ENVISAT ASAR CEOS-ARD NRB Product Development Project
Haria, Kajal
5:33 PM
Workforce data curation training with AI considerations in Federated Data Repositories by netcdf-empowered community informatics at OKD edge site
Branch, Benjamin
5:34 PM
Scoping Net Zero Research Computing
Townsend, Poppy
5:35 PM
Fengyun meteorological satellite global observation and applications
Xian, Di
5:36 PM
Implementing FAIR principles in the IPCC context to support open science and provide a citable platform to acknowledge the work of authors.
MacRae, Molly
5:37 PM
Getting Out The Data - Fighting The Latency Dragon
Wehn, Charlotte
5:38 PM
Preserving an endangered society: the case of Maldives
Giaretta, David
5:39 PM
Developing an OAIS based Interoperability Framework
Giaretta, David
5:40 PM
Towards a sustainable data and knowledge preservation
Nicolet, Aurèle
5:41 PM
Data standardization and integration for maintenance of Critical Infrastructure
Thaduri, Adithya
5:42 PM
TFCat (Time-Frequency Catalogue): JSON Implementation and Python library
Cecconi, Baptiste
5:43 PM
Design and Implementation of FENGYUN Meteorological Satellite Archive Data Migration Mission
Xu, Zhe
5:44 PM
CryoSat Ice Baseline-E: Operational & Reprocessed Data Quality Control
Toonen, Liv
(Telespazio UK)
5:45 PM
Converting a Traditional Space Science Operations Center to a Cloud-Based Architecture
Mukherjee, Joey
5:46 PM
Petabyte scale, OAIS/ISO 16363 conformant archive
Giaretta, David
5:48 PM
In-Situ and IoT data inventorisation in support of earth observation data analysis
Pruin, Bernard
5:49 PM
Adding Value to ESA Heritage and Third-Party Mission Archived Datasets via Reprocessing: ATSR and ALOS
Done, Fay
5:50 PM
Computational appraisal for enhancing data value discovery: recent researches and lessons learned for scientific data governance
Shabou, Basma Makhlouf
5:51 PM
Focusing on Scalable Citations to Improve Data Usability and FAIRness
Agarwal, Deborah
5:52 PM
[remote] Developing a Prototype of Library Dataset supporting Services
Garcia, Marcelo