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Wladimir Banda
(Yachay Tech - Ecuador)
- Speaker at Astrophysics tutorial 2 by Wladimir Banda
- Speaker at Coding basics 2 by Wladimir Banda
Leonardo Basile
(Escuela Politécnica Nacional)
- Speaker at Tight-binding models talk by Leonardo Basile
- Maria Jose Benitez (Escuela Politécnica Nacional)
Daniel Capek
(University of Konstanz, Germany)
- Speaker at Byophysics talk by Daniel Capek
Oscar Chimborazo
(Yachay Tech - Ecuador)
- Speaker at Climate science talk by Oscar Chimborazo
Helga Dénes
- Speaker at Astrophysics tutorial 1 by Helga Denes
Luz Ángela García
(Universidad ECCI)
- Speaker at Astrophysics talk by Luz Garcia
Cloe Girard-Carillo
(Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany)
- Speaker at Particle Physics talk by Cloe Girad-Carillo
Cristina Ana Mantilla Suarez
(Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
- Speaker at Particle Physics talk by Cristina Mantilla
- Luis Manzanillas (Université Paris-Saclay (FR))
Maximilian Menger
(University of Groningen, The Netherlands)
- Speaker at Materials science talk by Maximilian Menger
Andres Morales
(University of Konstanz, Germany)
- Speaker at Byophysics tutorial 1 by Andres Morales
- Speaker at Byophysics tutorial 2 by Andres Morales
- Speaker at Geoferenced count data talk by Diego Morales
Diego Morales
(Yachay Tech - Ecuador)
- Speaker at Geoferenced count data talk by Diego Morales
Jorge Ontaneda
(Queen Mary University of London, UK)
- Speaker at Materials science talk by Jorge Ontaneda
Mayra Pallaroso
(SOLCA, Quito)
- Speaker at Medical Physics talk by Mayra Pallaroso
Edison Salazar
(University of Groningen, The Netherlands)
- Speaker at Material science tutorial 1 by Edison Salazar
- Speaker at Material science tutorial 2 by Edison Salazar
Genevieve Shattow
(ThroughPut.ai, United States)
- Speaker at Data science talk by Genevieve Shattow
Albert Thie
(University of Groningen, The Netherlands)
- Speaker at Artificial inteligence talk by Albert Thie
Sylvain Vanneste
- Speaker at Cosmology talk by Sylvain Vanneste
Lupe Villegas
(Institute of Optics, Visual Optics and Biophotonics Lab, Spain)
- Speaker at Coding Basics by Lupe Villegas