A stable sexaquark state with quark content (uuddss) is investigated as a candidate for dark matter in the core of neutron star. We find that there is a “sexaquark dilemma”
(analogous to the hyperon dilemma) for which the dissociation of the sexaquark in quark matter is
a viable solution fulfilling all present constraints from multi-messenger astronomy. Furthermore, the mass of sexaquark is constrained using a gereneralized relativistic mean-field approach called DD2Y for discribing hadronic matter in the core of neutron star. The parameters of the covariant nonlocal Nambu–Jona-Lasinio
(nlNJL) model which describes the color superconducting quark matter phase, are provided by a systematic Bayesian analysis of hybrid neutron star equations of state (EoS). We find the squared speed of sound at high densities to be about 0.5 for the optimized parameters.