October 24, 2022 to August 31, 2023
Europe/Zurich timezone

The last day of applications for mentees the 2022/2023 round of the programme will be on Friday 18th November 2022. However, from this round of the programme onwards, we will keep applications open all year round for mentees who have been affected by the war in Ukraine and for mentors who wish to mentor them. 


We stand in solidarity with all our friends and colleagues caught in this crisis, and our thoughts go out to all of those affected. We, the LHC Early Career Mentoring Programme Organisers, reiterate the message of the promotion of peaceful collaboration around the world.


Please register here if you would like to apply to be a MENTEE in the 2022/2023 edition of the LHC Early Career Mentoring Programme. Please note, that mentees are accepted onto the programme on the basis of finding a matching mentor. Priority will be given to individuals who have been affected by the ongoing war in Ukraine.


If you would like to apply to be a MENTOR, please fill in the form here.


The LHC Early Career Mentoring Programme has been running since 2020, matching mentors and mentees who work on ALICE, ATLAS, CMS or LHCb. Mentor-mentee pairs are matched based on the information provided in their registration forms, and optional CV and cover letters. Pairs can either be on the same or different LHC experiments and can discuss a range of different topics of their choosing (e.g. careers advice, CV writing, etc...).   


In their initial meeting, mentor-mentee pairs agree the frequency at which they would like to meet and the topics they wish to discuss confidentially. After which point they are given the freedom to conduct the mentorship in whichever way they choose to, with the organisers contactable if needed. The round formally ends at the end of August, but mentor-mentee pairs can continue informally if they wish to do so.


Please do not hesitate to contact the organisers at LHC-Early-Career-Mentorship-Committee@cern.ch if you have any questions.


There is an open survey.