To fully realize EIC's goal on 3-dimensional imaging of hadrons complementary lattice QCD results for PDF, GPD, TMD etc. are essential. This talk will provide an overview of some recent progresses in lattice QCD calculations of partonic structures of hadrons.
This talk is mostly based on our recent work [1] where we numerically compute transverse single spin asymmetry (SSA) in SIDIS based on a new mechanism suggested in [2]. In this mechanism, the phase required for the asymmetry is generated from higher order diagrams. Specifically in [2] it was demonstrated that with the $g_T(x)$ quark distribution for the transversely polarized proton, a...
In 1988 the European Muon Collaboration (EMC) at CERN shocked the physics community by announcing that the sum of the spins of the three quarks that make up the proton is much less than the spin of the proton itself, later on which is known so-called "proton spin puzzle". Physicists have been unable to answer a seemingly simple question: where does proton spin come from? How the proton’s spin...
We use Machine Learning with an event-generator (Sar$t$re) for
the process: $e \p\rightarrow e'\ p' \ V_M $, $e \ A\rightarrow e'\ A' \ V_M $ .
Sar$t$re uses 3-dimensional look-up tables to generate events
in which the first two moments of the Amplitude are stored. In eA collisions the generation of these lookup tables takes many months. I will present a method, using neural networks, which...
One of the classic ways of studying QCD events in high-energy experiments is to measure the Event Shape variables e.g., Thrust, Jet Broadening, Angularity etc. which are observables designed to characterize several properties including the geometric shape of hadron distribution in the event. In this talk, we will discuss a more general global event shape "angularity" for deep inelastic...
By considering double spin asymmetry (DSA) in exclusive dijet production in $ep$ collisions, we demonstrate for the first time that the $cos(\phi)$ angular correlation between the scattered electron and proton is a direct probe of the gluon orbital angular momentum and its interplay with the gluon helicity. We also make an estimate of the DSA for typical kinematics of the future Electron Ion Collider.
Tagged-DIS (TDIS) provides a unique opportunity to study the structure of targets which are not readily available. One can study the longitudinal pion structure in a semi-inclusive measurement by measuring the leading neutrons in the far forward direction in addition to the scattered electron in the usual DIS. Theoretically, in the so-called Sullivan process, the cross section in these events...
First, we give a brief overview of the light-front dressed quark model, per se,
instead of a proton state, we use a simple composite spin-1/2 state that is a quark dressed with a gluon. It is a perturbative model and has gluonic degrees of freedom. Then we outline the formalism used to evaluate the gravitational
form factors (GFFs) of quarks and gluons in a dressed quark model. We use
There has been a steady flux of new experimental evidences confirming
the presence of short-ranged structures inside atomic nuclei, dominated by correlations
between pairs of nucleons. The role of these internal nucleon-nucleon correlations
has been established using various energetic probes like photons, pions, leptons and
hadrons. These correlated structures are essential for...
We use an anti-de Sitter/Quantum Chromodynamics (AdS/QCD) based holographic light-front wavefunction for the $J/\psi$ meson, in conjunction with the Color dipole model cross-section to investigate the cross-sections data for exclusive $J/\psi$ electroproduction. We have used the updated set of color dipole model parameters fitted to the most recent 2015 high precision HERA data on...