18–20 Dec 2022
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
Asia/Kolkata timezone

Probing the gluonic structure of pions with tagged DIS (TDIS)

20 Dec 2022, 09:45
Lecture Hall Complex, LH-527 (Indian Institute of Technology Delhi)

Lecture Hall Complex, LH-527

Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Hauz Khas, New Delhi, Delhi 110016


Arjun Kumar (Indian Institute of Technology Delhi)


Tagged-DIS (TDIS) provides a unique opportunity to study the structure of targets which are not readily available. One can study the longitudinal pion structure in a semi-inclusive measurement by measuring the leading neutrons in the far forward direction in addition to the scattered electron in the usual DIS. Theoretically, in the so-called Sullivan process, the cross section in these events is given as a product of a chiral splitting function (proton to neutron + pion) and the structure function of the (nearly on-shell) exchanged pion. We performed a phenomenological study of the predictions of dipole models in leading neutron DIS at high energy. Our investigations hint toward a universal longitudinal structure of pions and protons at high energy. On the other hand, extending the study to exclusive vector meson production with leading neutrons provides the pathway to investigate the spatial extent of the pion cloud and gluon distribution of pions.

Primary author

Arjun Kumar (Indian Institute of Technology Delhi)


Presentation materials