18–20 Dec 2022
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
Asia/Kolkata timezone

Nucleon-nucleon correlations inside atomic nuclei: review of experimental observations

20 Dec 2022, 12:30
Lecture Hall Complex, LH-527 (Indian Institute of Technology Delhi)

Lecture Hall Complex, LH-527

Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Hauz Khas, New Delhi, Delhi 110016


Dr Ranjeet Dalal (Guru Jambheshwar University of Science and technology, Hisar)


There has been a steady flux of new experimental evidences confirming
the presence of short-ranged structures inside atomic nuclei, dominated by correlations
between pairs of nucleons. The role of these internal nucleon-nucleon correlations
has been established using various energetic probes like photons, pions, leptons and
hadrons. These correlated structures are essential for understanding the interaction
of particles with nuclei and their presence provides an explanation of many specific

nuclear phenomena including backscattered protons, copious deuteron production, sub-
threshold particle production, neutrino interactions with nuclei and the EMC effect.

We will highlight a wide range of different experimental studies in this area along with
some specific suggetions for experimental observation of 3N correlation in upcoming
EIC experiment.


Dr Ranjeet Dalal (Guru Jambheshwar University of Science and technology, Hisar)

Presentation materials