Onboarding for new science communicators / CMS Masterclass


This online onboarding event consists of two parts, which can be joined independently. The first part gives an introdution to  Netzwerk Teilchenwelt for everyone who just joined or eventually wants to do so. It addresses to new science communicators, university contacts and interested students. This onboarding helps you to get to know other science communicators and gives you the chance to learn about all aspects of Netzwerk Teilchenwelt: How to become an active part of the network, for which events are you paid and what kind of workshops are offered for students, teachers or science communicators.

We will try to answer all your questions! 

In the second part one particular Masterclass is presented in more detail to give an idea and one example of what you as a science communicator can actively do in Netzwerk Teilchenwelt. Also, to give an example what topics are typically explained to the students in talks or what type of hands-on excercises are possible within the different Masterclasses that exist.

For experienced people this part can be used to exchange materials and ideas on a certain Masterclass. Often several sites in Germany offer the same Masterclass, they share some material, but often each site has its own games, slides or aspects how to best communicate the topic to the students. It can be quite fruiteful to exchange these ideas and share the experience with others. So, whether new or experienced, register, join and enjoy! 


Both parts are held via zoom:

Link: https://uni-bonn.zoom.us/j/64522404023?pwd=MWRGbUVJMjRScW5ZallxUU42M2V6QT09

Meeting-ID: 645 2240 4023
Code: 990582

    • 10:00 10:55
      The basic 1x1 for science communicators in Netzwerk Teilchenwelt 55m
      • Introduction to Netzwerk Teilchenwelt 30m

        This introductory talk includes a short presentation of Netzwerk Teilchenwelt and how to become an active science communicator. Also, possibilities to extend your science communication skills and links to materials for the differnt masterclasses will be presented. You are highly encouraged to join and ask all your questions!

      • Time for discussion & questions 20m
    • 10:55 11:00
      Pause 5m
    • 11:00 12:00
      Spotlight on ... 1h
      Speaker: Ralf Schmieder (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))
      • The CMS Masterclasss 30m

        The CMS Physics Masterclass provides an opportunity for high-school students and their teachers to explore the world of Particle Physics in one day or less! They are invited to take part in an authentic research process, either at a nearby CMS institute or at school. Lectures from active scientists give insight into methods of basic research, enabling the students to perform measurements on real data from the CMS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). They learn about the particle content of the Standard Modell as well as the main principles of colliders, detectors and statistical data analysis. They analyse event displays to categorise events and perform an actual measurement Like in an international research collaboration, the participants then discuss their results and compare with expectations. More information on the different masterclasses/measurements can be found on https://cms.physicsmasterclasses.org/cms.html

        Speaker: Ralf Schmieder (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))
      • Discussion 20m