31 October 2022 to 3 November 2022
Clarion hotel Umeå
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Evolving storage services at INFN-T1

3 Nov 2022, 11:15
Clarion hotel Umeå

Clarion hotel Umeå

Storgatan 36, Umeå, Sweden
Storage & Filesystems Storage and Filesystems


Andrea Rendina


INFN CNAF is the National Center of INFN (National Institute for Nuclear Physics) for research and development in the field of information technologies applied to high energies physics experiments. CNAF hosts the largest INFN data center, which also includes a WLCG Tier1 site.
We describe the technologies adopted at CNAF for Data Management and Data Transfer, namely XrootD and StoRM (with its StoRM WebDAV service), and the way our services are evolving in a worldwide context of new protocols and authorization approaches for bulk data transfers between WLCG sites.
In particular, we report on the challenging transititon from gsiftp to http protocol, which has been implemented via StoRM WebDAV for several experiments hosted at CNAF, and on the ongoing transition from X.509 certificates to JSON Web Tokens (JWT), allowing users to access the resources in a more fine-grained way.
Also, we detail on a few issues our daily management of storage services has brought to light.

Speaker release Yes
Presentation will be held... in the conference venue


Andrea Rendina

Presentation materials