9:00 AM
--- Registration ---
10:00 AM
Tony Wong
Peter van der Reest
(until 10:30 AM)
10:00 AM
Peter van der Reest
10:15 AM
Erik Mattias Wadenstein
(University of Umeå (SE))
10:30 AM
Site Reports
Andreas Petzold
(KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE)) Dr
Sebastien Gadrat
(CCIN2P3 - Centre de Calcul (FR))
(until 11:30 AM)
10:30 AM
NDGF Site Report
Erik Mattias Wadenstein
(University of Umeå (SE))
10:45 AM
ASGC Site Report
Eric Yen
11:00 AM
IHEP Site Report
Lu Wang
(Computing Center,Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS)
11:15 AM
INFN-T1 Site report
Andrea Rendina
11:30 AM
--- Coffee break ---
9:30 AM
--- Registration ---
10:30 AM
(until 10:50 AM)
10:30 AM
What is a "Show us your Toolkit" session
Christoph Beyer
Peter van der Reest
10:50 AM
Computing and Batch Services
Michel Jouvin
(Université Paris-Saclay (FR)) Dr
Michele Michelotto
(Universita e INFN, Padova (IT))
(until 11:15 AM)
10:50 AM
BigHPC: A Management Framework for Consolidated Big Data and High-Performance Computing
- Mr
Samuel Bernardo
11:15 AM
--- Coffee break ---
11:45 AM
Computing and Batch Services
Michele Michelotto
(Universita e INFN, Padova (IT))
Michel Jouvin
(Université Paris-Saclay (FR))
(until 1:25 PM)
11:45 AM
Scalable Machine Learning with Kubeflow at CERN
Dejan Golubovic
12:10 PM
Automation of (Remediation) procedures for Batch Services in CERN with StackStorm
Ankur Singh
12:35 PM
Summary of the european HTC week
Christoph Beyer
1:00 PM
HEPscore benchmark
Domenico Giordano
9:30 AM
--- Registration ---
10:00 AM
Grids, Clouds and Virtualisation
Ian Collier
(Science and Technology Facilities Council STFC (GB))
Tomoaki Nakamura
(until 11:15 AM)
10:50 AM
Cloud Infrastructure Update: Operations, Campaigns, and Evolution
Domingo Rivera Barros
11:15 AM
--- Coffee break ---
11:45 AM
Networking and Security
David Kelsey
(Science and Technology Facilities Council STFC (GB))
Shawn Mc Kee
(University of Michigan (US))
(until 1:00 PM)
11:45 AM
Transferring data from ALICE to the Computer Center - 2.4Tbps capacity with DWDM lines
Daniele Pomponi
12:10 PM
Enforcing Two-Factor Authentication at CERN: A Technical Report on Our Experiences with User Migration
Adeel Ahmad
12:35 PM
Computer Security Landscape Update
Christos Arvanitis
8:30 AM
--- Registration ---
9:00 AM
Basic IT Services/Show Us Your ToolBox
Jingyan Shi
Erik Mattias Wadenstein
(University of Umeå (SE))
(until 10:20 AM)
10:20 AM
Storage and Filesystems
(until 10:40 AM)
10:20 AM
DPM storage migration and EOL
Petr Vokac
(Czech Technical University in Prague (CZ))
10:40 AM
--- Coffee break ---
11:15 AM
Storage and Filesystems
Peter van der Reest
Ofer Rind
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
(until 12:30 PM)
11:15 AM
Evolving storage services at INFN-T1
Andrea Rendina
11:40 AM
CERNBox : sync, share and science
Diogo Castro
12:05 PM
Storage for the LHC: operations during Run 3
Cedric Caffy
12:00 PM
Site Reports
Andreas Petzold
(KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE)) Dr
Sebastien Gadrat
(CCIN2P3 - Centre de Calcul (FR))
(until 1:15 PM)
12:00 PM
CERN site report
Jarek Polok
12:15 PM
KEK site report
Tomoaki Nakamura
12:30 PM
CC-IN2P3 Site Report
Sebastien Gadrat
(CCIN2P3 - Centre de Calcul (FR))
12:45 PM
Diamond Light Source Site Report
James Thorne
(Diamond Light Source)
1:15 PM
--- Lunch break ---
2:45 PM
End-user Services, Operating Systems
Georg Rath
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
Andreas Haupt
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY))
(until 4:00 PM)
2:45 PM
Building HA stateful services using anycast
Dennis van Dok
3:10 PM
Kubernetes operators for web hosting at CERN: experience
Alexandre Lossent
3:35 PM
CERN Linux Updates and Outlook
Alex Iribarren
4:00 PM
--- Coffee break ---
4:30 PM
End-user Services, Operating Systems
Georg Rath
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
Andreas Haupt
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY))
(until 5:30 PM)
4:30 PM
BoF: Recent experiences with CentOS Stream
Thomas Hartmann
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
Alex Iribarren
1:25 PM
--- Photo session ---
1:35 PM
--- Lunch break ---
3:20 PM
Computing and Batch Services
Michel Jouvin
(Université Paris-Saclay (FR)) Dr
Michele Michelotto
(Universita e INFN, Padova (IT))
(until 3:45 PM)
3:20 PM
Review of HTC scheduling strategies for HEP at GridKa Tier 1
Max Fischer
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
3:45 PM
Site Reports
Sebastien Gadrat
(CCIN2P3 - Centre de Calcul (FR))
Andreas Petzold
(KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))
(until 4:10 PM)
3:45 PM
NSC site report
Thomas Bellman
(NSC, Linköping University)
4:10 PM
--- Coffee break ---
4:40 PM
Site Reports
Andreas Petzold
(KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE)) Dr
Sebastien Gadrat
(CCIN2P3 - Centre de Calcul (FR))
(until 6:10 PM)
4:40 PM
MUST site report (IN2P3)
4:55 PM
BNL Site Report
Costin Caramarcu
5:10 PM
DESY Site Report
Andreas Haupt
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY))
5:25 PM
RAL Site Report
Martin Bly
5:40 PM
Nikhef site report
Bart van der Wal
7:00 PM
--- Conference Dinner ---
1:00 PM
--- Lunch break ---
2:35 PM
Networking and Security
Shawn Mc Kee
(University of Michigan (US))
David Kelsey
(Science and Technology Facilities Council STFC (GB))
(until 3:50 PM)
2:35 PM
Update from the HEPiX IPv6 working group
David Kelsey
(Science and Technology Facilities Council STFC (GB))
3:00 PM
Update on the Global perfSONAR Network Monitoring and Analytics Framework
Shawn Mc Kee
(University of Michigan (US))
3:25 PM
Research Networking Technical WG Status and Plans
Marian Babik
3:50 PM
IT Facilities and Business Continuity
Peter Gronbech
(University of Oxford (GB))
Wayne Salter
(until 4:15 PM)
3:50 PM
Saving Energy at DESY
- Dr
Yves Kemp
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
4:15 PM
--- Coffee break ---
4:45 PM
IT Facilities and Business Continuity
Wayne Salter
Peter Gronbech
(University of Oxford (GB))
(until 6:00 PM)
4:45 PM
CERN IT Hardware Procurement activities in 2020-2022
Luca Atzori
5:10 PM
Managing CERN data centers with OpenDCIM
Jarek Polok
5:35 PM
High density computing room, 15 years of experience
Erik Mattias Wadenstein
(University of Umeå (SE))
Niklas Edmundsson
(HPC2N, Umeå University)
6:00 PM
--- Board Meeting (closed session) ---
12:30 PM
--- Lunch break ---
2:05 PM
Storage and Filesystems
Peter van der Reest
Ofer Rind
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
(until 3:45 PM)
2:05 PM
Lessons learned from an atlas data movement stress test for the Lancaster WLCG Tier-2's new XROOTD/CEPHFS storage.
Matthew Steven Doidge
(Lancaster University (GB))
2:30 PM
Multi-experiment Storage service at BNL
Carlos Fernando Gamboa
(Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))
2:55 PM
Using dCache Storage Events in NextCloud and On-Site Experiments
Christian Voss
3:20 PM
A Scalable and Efficient Staging System between Dcache and HPSS at BNL
Zhenping Liu
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
3:45 PM
--- Coffee break ---
4:15 PM
(until 4:45 PM)
4:15 PM
Closing remarks
Peter van der Reest