Revisiting B->K nu nu decays in the SM and beyond

11 Apr 2023, 15:36
Invited talk Flavour Flavor, SM


Dr Olcyr Sumensari (University of Zurich)


In this talk, I will revisit the Standard Model (SM) predictions for $\mathcal{B}(B \to K^{(\ast)}\nu\bar{\nu})$ and discuss the opportunities that open up when combining its partial decay with that of $\mathcal{B}(B → K^{(\ast)}\mu\mu)$. I will argue that the differential measurement of $B \to K\nu\bar{\nu}$ decays allow for an useful cross-check of the shape of the vector form-factor ($f_+(q^2)$), which is only computed at high-$q^2$ on the lattice and extrapolated to the physical region. I will then show that the ratios $\mathcal{B}(B \to K^{(\ast)}\mu{\mu})/\mathcal{B}(B \to K^{(\ast)}\nu\bar{\nu})$ allow for a clean extraction of $C_9^{\mu\mu}$, which is independent of the $B\to K^{(\ast)}$ form-factors to a first approximation. Lastly, I will show that the same ratio also proves to be more sensitive to the presence of New Physics in many plausible extensions of the SM.

Primary author

Dr Olcyr Sumensari (University of Zurich)

Presentation materials