Florentin Jaffredo
The Drell-Yan processes $pp\to\ell\nu$ and $pp\to\ell\ell$ at high transverse momentum can provide important probes of semileptonic transitions that are complementary to low-energy flavor physics observables. We parametrize possible New Physics (NP) contributions to these processes in terms of form-factors, and derive the corresponding bounds by recasting the latest ATLAS and CMS run 2 searches for mono- and di-lepton resonances. Moreover, we study the validity limit of the Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT) in this regime by comparing the limits obtained for specific tree-level mediators and their EFT equivalent. Both analyses are performed using HighPT, a new Mathematica package for automatic extraction of high-$p_T$ bounds.
Darius Faroughy
(University of Zurich)
Felix Wilsch
(University of Zurich)
Florentin Jaffredo
Lukas Allwicher
Olcyr Sumensari
(University of Zurich)