Asymptotic Ultraviolet-safe Unification of Gauge and Yukawa Couplings: The exceptional case

13 Apr 2023, 11:32
BSM Theory BSM theory


Giacomo Cacciapaglia (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))


The ultimate dream of unification models consists in combining both gauge and Yukawa couplings into one unified coupling. This is achieved by using a supersymmetric exceptional ${\rm E}_6$ gauge symmetry together with asymptotic unification in compact five-dimensional space-time. The ultraviolet fixed point requires exactly three fermion generations: one in the bulk, and the two light ones localised on the ${\rm SO}(10)$ boundary in order to cancel gauge anomalies. A second option allows to preserve baryon number and to lower the compactification scale down to the typical scales of the intermediate Pati-Salam gauge theory.


Giacomo Cacciapaglia (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))

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