CERN Climbing Club sign-up
Welcome to the sign up page for the CERN climbing Club (CEC).
Inscriptions for this year will be valid until the 31.12.2025.
Joining the club is very easy:
- Fill in and sign the subscription form linked down below
- Read the information about insurances also linked below.
- Pay the 20CHF fee to the club:
Club d’Escalade du CERN
Espl. des Particules 1
1211 Meyrin
IBAN: CH29 0900 0000 1598 6833 1
- Fill in the registration page on this indico conference and attach a PDF copy of your form & of a proof of payment.
- As mentioned during the inscription, it has to be apprpoved afterwards. Only after the final approval you will be a member. If approved, you will receive another email as well as a digital member card.
- It might take up to a week until your inscription can be approved.
- It is not possible for us to handle inscriptions that reach us only a few days before upcoming events.
- If you are not working at CERN, you have to indicate the CEC member ID of the CEC member that invited you (the field can be found in the inscription form). Only then we can process your registration.
- Please note that the CERN Climbing Club is not a proxy for simply getting discounts at local climbing gyms. The intention is first of all to be a social club which then offers various things - discounts among others - to our members.
Application for this event is currently open.