Exotic Approaches to Naturalness

4/3-006 - TH Conference Room (CERN)

4/3-006 - TH Conference Room


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Deog Ki Hong (Pusan National University (KR)), Hyun Min Lee (CAU - Chung-Ang University (KR)), Hyung Do Kim (Seoul National University), Isabel Garcia Garcia (Conseil Europeen Recherche Nucl. (CERN)), Matthew Philip Mccullough (CERN), Seung J. Lee (Korea University), Steven Adam Abel (University of Durham (GB)), Tim Cohen (CERN)

This will be an informal CERN-CKC TH Institute, with a light programme, on Exotic Approaches to Naturalness.  The aim is to explore how emerging ideas in formal theory, quantum gravity, and field theory more generally may shed light on naturalness puzzles in particle physics, where canonical approaches may have failed.  Topics to be covered include the potential role of generalised symmetries, UV/IR mixing, the weak gravity conjectures, magic zeroes and more.  Talks are by invitation.

TH workshop secretariat