QCD Seminars

High Energy Resummation for Jet Processes at the LHC

by Jennifer Smillie (Higgs Centre for Theoretical Physics, Edin. U.)

4/3-006 - TH Conference Room (CERN)

4/3-006 - TH Conference Room


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In this talk I will discuss the impact of logarithms in s-hat/pt^2, so-called high-energy logs, on measurements of jet processes at the LHC.  These logs slow the convergence of a standard fixed-order expansion in alpha_s, and furthermore, are enhanced by certain experimental cuts such as vector-boson-fusion cuts, vector-boson-scattering cuts or when searching for new physics at large m_jj.  I’ll describe the High Energy Jets (HEJ) framework which provides new predictions at LL accuracy in a flexible Monte Carlo, and I’ll discuss their comparison to data.  I’ll also describe the steps we’re taking towards NLL and recent work where the framework was extended to inclusive H+1j production (arXiv:2210.10671), the first process to be treated in this way which only requires one jet.

Zoom Meeting ID
Elena Gianolio
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Michelangelo Mangano, Pascal Pignereau, Juan M. Cruz Martinez, Simone Zoia, John Cassar, Silvia Ferrario Ravasio
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