9:00 AM
An unhappy end for S3
Tom Wezepoel
9:15 AM
From 1VM+1LUN to k8s+Ceph - the uneasy way...
Krzysztof Wadówka
9:30 AM
Comparison between CephFS, CFFS (Comtrade FastFS), HDFS (Apache Hadoop), GPFS (IBM Spectrum Scale), Lustre
Gregor Molan
(Comtrade 360's AI Lab)
9:45 AM
C(ERN) BACK(UP): consolidated multi-petabyte backup solution for heterogenous storage and filesystems
Gianmaria Del Monte
10:00 AM
Data at scale: from Storage to Data Governance
Jean-Thomas Acquaviva
(DDN Storage)
10:15 AM
Protocol Plumbing: Presenting iRODS as WebDAV, FUSE, REST, NFS, SFTP, K8s CSI, and S3
Kory Draughn