Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

Dear Colleagues,

We are so regrettable to announce that we canceled Collaboration Meeting on X-band Accelerator Structure Design and Test Program of this year supposed to be held at KEK in Tsukuba, Japan from May 16th to 18th, 2011. The earthquake on March 11 brought significant impacts on all of KEK activities. Some of the KEK facilities including KEKB Linac and Nextef were damaged. The electric power for KEK is being regulated severely within a limited amount due to the potential shortage of the electric power supply in Kanto area. We expected things may become better during the last few weeks, however, we now understand this is not the case. The unsettled situation of nuclear plants in Fukushima in Japan is another concern of us. We finally made the decision to cancel the meeting at KEK on March 31. We are so sorry this may bring you inconvenience.

On the other hand, it is our great pleasure to hear that SLAC colleagures offered to hold the 5th meeting this year at SLAC exactly on the same schedule, May 16-18. Prof Sami Tantawi chairs the meeting and your contact person is Ms. Naomi Nagahashi. They will organize the new meeting at SLAC. The meeting homepage is now available (See link on the left menu). We are sorry to make this decision at this moment but we hope you all who planned to attend this meeting to be at SLAC in this May. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

For directing any questions, comment or request to us, please send an email to KEK LOC


Kenji UENO
Mechanical Engineering Center KEK