Julia-for-HEP Discussion
Pere evaluated Julia on a common HEP use case of detector geometry description. VecGeom C++ package has been partially reimplemented in Julia and performance were compared with the C++ version. Project Github repository: Geom4hep
The Julia language has been evaluated for highly optimized fast jet algorithms from fastjet. The exercise has been lead in parallel by two persons. Github repositories: JetReconstruction.jl and Antikt.jl. See also Atell-Yehor Krasnopolski's presentaion at IRIS-hep
UnROOT is a package written fully in Julia to read ROOT files. It is very fast. The secret used to handle in inhomogeneous columnar data with high performance will be explained. Challenges in optimizing the code will be discussed.
The programming code from Geom4hep and Fastjet exercises has been reviewed. Hints for improving their performance will be suggested.
Discussion about the conclusions to draw for being included in the report and possibly some next steps to understand differences observed between Julia and C++.