14–16 Dec 2022
University of Pittsburgh
US/Eastern timezone
Zoom connection:
Meeting ID: 926 4791 2735
No passcode


WORKSHOP SCOPE AND GOALS: There has been growing appreciation in recent years that accelerator based neutrino facilities, such as the currently operating short baseline experiments at Fermilab and the future DUNE experiment, have great potential to search for new physics beyond the Standard Model (BSM). One potential roadblock to realizing this potential is the lack of dedicated simulation tools for BSM production and detection, needed both for phenomenological studies as well as experimental analyses. This focused workshop will bring together experts and stakeholders from both theory and experiment to make progress on this issue. Specific topics will include the motivations for BSM searches at neutrino beam experiments, simulation of BSM production in neutrino beams, and modeling of BSM signatures, as well as beam related neutrino backgrounds, in neutrino beam experiments. Ample time for discussion will be provided, with the aim of fostering new collaborations and developing a path forward towards a comprehensive BSM simulation framework.

DATES: December 14-16, 2022 (Wednesday - Friday)

LOCATION: In person at the University of Pittsburgh

ORGANIZERS: Brian Batell, Joshua Berger, Arnab Dasgupta, Bhupal Dev, Bhaskar Dutta, Tao Han, Doojin Kim, Donna Naples, Keping Xie,  Jaehoon Yu.


Josh Berger
Bhupal Dev
Bhaskar Dutta
Steve Dytman
Matheus Hostert
Josh Isaacson
Wooyoung Jang
Doojin Kim
Kevin Kelly
Shirley Li
Pedro Machado

Ornella Palamara
Gianluca Petrillo
Gray Putnam
Alex Sousa
Yun-Tse Tsai
Adrian Thompson
Leo Aliaga Soplin
Jaehoon Yu

University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA 15260
Registration for this event is currently open.