8–10 May 2023
University of Pittsburgh
US/Eastern timezone

Oscillation Phenomena in Nambu Quantum Mechanics

8 May 2023, 15:00
Lawrence Hall 205

Lawrence Hall 205


Nabin Bhatta (Virginia Tech)


In canonical quantum mechanics (QM), energy eigenstates can be thought of as evolving in the phase space of a classical harmonic oscillator. Nambu quantum mechanics is a particular generalization of canonical QM whereby this phase space is extended to that of an asymmetric top, introducing two “deformation parameters”. Canonical QM can then be interpreted as the limiting case where both of them vanish. We will discuss the motivation for and a few consequences of such a generalization, including the possibility of constraining the aforementioned parameters using experimental data on particle oscillation.

Primary author

Nabin Bhatta (Virginia Tech)

Presentation materials