8–10 May 2023
University of Pittsburgh
US/Eastern timezone

New Horizons in the Holographic Phase Transition

8 May 2023, 17:30
Lawrence Hall 104

Lawrence Hall 104



Bharath Sambasivam


We consider dynamical fully 5-Dimensional cosmological solutions of the holographic dilaton to study an out-of-equilibrium alternative to the thermal Randall-Sundrum conformal phase transition. It is well known that this transition is typically strongly first order, with the requirement of a perturbative 5D gravity theory obstructing completion of the transition. We comment on a class of initial conditions that generically leads to completion of the phase transition with increased perturbative control of the 5D theory associated with higher likelihood of success.

Primary authors

Bharath Sambasivam Cem Eröncel (Syracuse University) Gabriele Rigo (IPhT, Saclay) Jay Hubisz (Syracuse University) Seung J. Lee (Korea University)

Presentation materials