8–10 May 2023
University of Pittsburgh
US/Eastern timezone

Vector boson dark matter in a classically conformal U(1) extension of the Standard Model

8 May 2023, 18:15
Lawrence Hall 104

Lawrence Hall 104



Victor Baules


We consider a classically conformal $U(1)$ extension of the Standard Model (SM). The $U(1)$ symmetry is radiatively broken by the Coleman-Weinberg mechanism, after which the $U(1)$ Higgs field $\phi$ drives electroweak symmetry breaking through a mixed quartic coupling with the SM Higgs doublet with coupling constant λmix. The conformal system features a suppressed coupling $g_{h_{1} h_{2} h_{2}}\sim \lambda_{mix} v_{h}$ ($v_{h}$ = 246 GeV), likely due to the unique nature of the classically conformal potential, leading to a suppressed $h \rightarrow \phi \phi$ process which may evade future experimental limits. We consider the gauge boson of the new $U(1)$ gauge sector, $Z’$, to be the dark matter candidate in the absence of kinetic mixing, and interpret constraints on the conformal model in the context of observed values for dark matter abundance.

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