8–10 May 2023
University of Pittsburgh
US/Eastern timezone

Exploring the Flavor Symmetry landscape of Composite Higgs models

9 May 2023, 14:30
Lawrence Hall 107

Lawrence Hall 107



Lorenzo Ricci


Flavor and CP violating observables strongly constrain new Physics at the TeV scale. This is the case for Composite Higgs models, where “standard” constructions only partially screen
dangerous flavor effects, pushing up the new physics scale far from the LHC reach.

Specific assumptions for the flavor structure of the composite sector suppress unwanted effects, allowing for a lower new physics scale. We systematically explore this landscape of symmetry-based scenarios and we show that few clever setups are compatible with new physics near the LHC reach.

Interestingly, B-physics might play a central role in the exclusion/discovery of these models in the “near” future.

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