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May 8 – 10, 2023
University of Pittsburgh
US/Eastern timezone

Constraining new physics with Borexino Phase-II spectral data

May 8, 2023, 2:15 PM
Lawrence Hall 106

Lawrence Hall 106



Joao Paulo Pinheiro (Universitat de Barcelona)


We present a detailed analysis of the spectral data of Borexino Phase II, with
the aim of exploiting its full potential to constrain scenarios beyond the Standard Model. In
particular, we quantify the constraints imposed on neutrino magnetic moments, neutrino
non-standard interactions, and several simplified models with light scalar, pseudoscalar
or vector mediators. Our analysis shows perfect agreement with those performed by the
collaboration on neutrino magnetic moments and neutrino non-standard interactions in the
same restricted cases and expands beyond those, stressing the interplay between flavour
oscillations and flavour non-diagonal interaction effects for the correct evaluation of the
event rates. For simplified models with light mediators we show the power of the spectral
data to obtain robust limits beyond those previously estimated in the literature.

Primary author

Joao Paulo Pinheiro (Universitat de Barcelona)

Presentation materials