8–10 May 2023
University of Pittsburgh
US/Eastern timezone

Master Integrals for Electroweak corrections to gg → γγ

8 May 2023, 17:30
Lawrence Hall 205

Lawrence Hall 205


Gabriele Fiore (SUNY at Buffalo)


We present a calculation of the master integrals (MI's) required for the calculation of the Electroweak corrections to $gg\rightarrow \gamma\gamma$ production in which the process contains a light quark loop.
The integrals can be broken down into four categories based on the flow of the heavy vector bosons throughout the loop. Two of the families are planar, and two are non-planar. We determine a canonical basis for each family which allows an efficient solution of the resulting differential equations via iterated integrals. We compute the families in relevant physical kinematics and obtain an efficient numerical evaluation based on an implementation of Chen-iterated integrals.

Primary author

Gabriele Fiore (SUNY at Buffalo)


Amlan Chakraborty (The Institute Of Mathematical Sceinces) Ciaran Williams (SUNY Buffalo)

Presentation materials