We are pleased to announce the 1st High Temperature superconductor Accelerator Technology (HiTAT) workshop. HiTAT, on this occasion organised in the framework of the H2020-I.FAST project – WP8: Innovative Magnets,  follows  the WAMHTS-5 event, organised in the framework of the H2020-Aries project, WAMHTS-5 (Budapest, 11-April 13, 2019)). 

HiTAT will be held on 9-10 March 2023 at CERN in Building 30/7-018 

The focus of the program is on REBCO coated conductor for use in Hadron Therapy accelerator magnets, including post HL-LHC high energy colliders and beam lines.

A preliminary draft programme, along with practical information regarding venue and accommodation (hotels and booking form), is available at the workshop website. The main topics that will be discussed are: conductor progress and availability (with the presence of producers); characterisation of tapes and cables; magnet technology and R&D in the on-going main R&D programs. A more refined program will be communicated by the beginning of 2023 with the second announcement of the workshop. 

Participation in the workshop is by invitation only and is free of charge. Participants should cover the cost of their travel and accommodation. 

We look forward to meeting you at CERN.


Amalia Ballarino, CERN

Lucio Rossi, INFN & University of Milano


Program  Committee:

Amalia Ballarino, CERN

Lucio Rossi, INFN & University of Milano

Bernhard Auchmann, PSI & CERN

Anna Kario, University of Twente 

Thibault Lecrevisse, CEA 

Carmine Senatore, University of Geneva

Yifeng Yang, University of Southampton

Valerie Brunner, CERN (administrative support)

30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium
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