TH Journal Club on Strings & QFT

Algebras of Operators on Intersecting M2- and M5-branes

by Miroslav Rapcak (CERN)

4/2-037 - TH meeting room (CERN)

4/2-037 - TH meeting room


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According to the AGT correspondence, a stack of N M5-branes placed in the Omega background leads to an algebra of operators known as the $W_N$ algebra. These $W_N$ algebras can be viewed as different representations of a universal algebra known as $W_\infty$ in the physics literature and the affine Yangian in the math literature. Using the coproduct structure of $W_\infty$, I am going to introduce a three-parametric family of $W_\infty$ representations associated to intersecting three stacks of M5-branes and generalizing $W_N$. I am also going to introduce yet another three-parametric family of its representations associated to intersecting stacks of M2-branes. If time permits, I am going to comment on the interaction of these algebras via mutual intersections of M2-M5 branes.