Computing and Batch Services
- Michele Michelotto (Universita e INFN, Padova (IT))
- Michel Jouvin (Université Paris-Saclay (FR))
Computing and Batch Services
- Michele Michelotto (Universita e INFN, Padova (IT))
- Michel Jouvin (Université Paris-Saclay (FR))
The HEPiX CPU Benchmark Working Group has developed a new CPU benchmark, called HEPScore, based on HEP applications. HEPScore will replace the current HEPSpec06 benchmark that is currently used by the WLCG for accounting and resource pledges.The new benchmark will be based on contributions by many WLCG experiments and will be able to run on x86 and ARM processor systems. We present the results...
While ArcCE and other systems allow for a single HEPSpec06 value in their configuration that is used when reporting the accounting information to APEL/EGI, sites usually have more than one kind of systems. In such heterogeneous systems an average needs to be used which can't reflect the real CPU usage of jobs especially when running jobs for different VOs and with different run times. In such...
We developed a new version of Cloudscheduler on which we reported before from a technical point of view. Cloudscheduler is a system that manages VM resources on demand on local and remote compute clouds depending on job requirements and makes those VMs available to HTCondor pools. Via cloud-init and yaml files, VMs can be provisioned depending on the needs of a VO.
In this presentation, we...
Environmental and political constraints have made energy usage a top priority. As scientific computing draws significant power, sites have to adapt to the changing conditions and need to optimize their clusters utilization and energy consumption.
We present our current status in our endeavour to make DESY's compute clusters more energy efficient. With a broad mix of different compute users...
The Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory (LHAASO) is a large-scale astrophysics experiment led by China. The whole experiment data is stored at the Institute of High Energy Physics(IHEP) local EOS file system and processed by the IHEP local HTCondor cluster. Since the experiment data has been increased rapidly, the CPU cores of the local cluster are not enough to support the data...