Linear Imperfections - corrections

30 Sept 2023, 15:00


Volker Ziemann


We introduce the BPM-corrector response coefficient R12 as the key quantity
to characterise the effect of imperfections on the beam dynamics before
addressing how the effect of multiple imperfections are combined. We then
introduce local beam bumps as a means to adjust the beam position locally
and move on to discuss orbit correction and the orbit response matrix.
We place special attention to different methods, including singular value
decomposition, to invert the response matrix. After covering quadrupolar
errors and their detrimental effects, such as beta beating and filamentation,
we learn how to measure beam sizes with quadrupole scans and with multiple
wire scanners. We close this session with a discussion of how to adjust
beam size parameters with so-called matching quadrupoles.

Presentation materials