26–28 Jun 2023
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
US/Pacific timezone

Five-point QCD amplitudes in full colour

27 Jun 2023, 14:50
Kavli Auditorium (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)

Kavli Auditorium

SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

2575 Sand Hill Rd, Menlo Park, CA 94025, United States


Federico Buccioni Federico Buccioni


In this talk I will present recent developments on the calculation of five-point scattering amplitudes in massless QCD beyond the leading-colour approximation.
I will discuss the methodology that we pursued to compute these highly non-trivial amplitudes. In this respect, I will argue that it is possible to tackle and tame the seemingly intractable algebraic complexity at each step of the calculation.
I will then illustrate the salient features of the final results and discuss their relevance in view of current and future phenomenological studies at hadron colliders.


Federico Buccioni Federico Buccioni

Presentation materials