Conference dates:
PSD13 will take place from Sunday 3 - Friday 8 September 2023.
Abstract submission will open mid-March and run until June 23.
The 13th International Conference on Position Sensitive Detectors will feature the latest developments in position sensitive detectors from leading researchers around the world and across a wide range of scientific disciplines. The conference has a strong multidisciplinary bias and encourages cross-fertilisation and transfer of ideas between researchers working in many different fields.
All sessions are plenary with each started by an overview presentation by a keynote speaker followed by research presentations relevant to that topic.
Keynote speakers (2023):
The provisional list of keynote speakers is currently being compiled.
There will also be two days of industrial exhibitions and two days of poster presentations during the conference.
Paper submitted to the conference will be published through Nuclear Instruments and Methods A. Instructions for abstract submission can be found on the main conference page.
We look forward to welcoming you to Oxford, steeped in history and home of the oldest university in the English-speaking world!
Scientific Themes
- X-ray and Gamma Ray Detectors
- Applications in Life Sciences, Biology & Medicine
- Applications in Planetary & Space Science
- Applications in Security & Environmental Imaging
- Applications in Nuclear Physics
- Applications in Particle Physics
- Applications in Astrophysics & Astroparticle Physics
- Novel Photon Detection Systems
- Detectors for Synchrotrons, FELS & other Advanced Light Sources
- Detectors for Neutron Facilities
- Detectors for High Radiation & Extreme Environments
- Advances in Pixel Detectors & Integration Technologies
- Gas-based Detection Methods
- Position Sensitive Fast Timing Detectors
- Applications in Condensed Matter
- Quantum Detectors