LISA Conference

Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions (Maria Theresia College)

Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

Maria Theresia College

Sint-Michielsstraat 6, 3000 Leuven, Belgium

We welcome you all to participate in the LISA conference, a gathering of the LISA MSCA innovative training network and beyond. The LISA (Laser Ionization and Spectroscopy of Actinides) consortium aims to train a new generation of experts in different fields of radioactive ion beam research and applications, with the underlying goal of improving our knowledge of the elements known as the actinides using laser spectroscopy techniques. 


The event will take place from May 22 (Monday) to May 26 (Friday) in the charming heart of Belgium – the city Leuven. A selection of posters and talks will be presented on the following topics: 

  • Radioactive ion beam facilities 
  • Laser development 
  • Medical applications of radionuclides 
  • Ultra-trace analysis  
  • Atomic and nuclear structure investigations  
  • Development of laser ion sources, hot cavities, gas cells and jets 
  • Production of actinide beams and samples 


We look forward to seeing you to discuss recent developments in the field and enjoy with us the beautiful city of Leuven and its culturally rich environment.  


Further information will come in the following weeks.  

For any question, please contact us via the email address: 


The organization committee. 



Don’t forget your football shoes! 


Contact e-mail
    • 4:00 PM
      Registration & Welcome Reception included HAL 01.05

      HAL 01.05

      Maria Theresia College

      HAL 01.05

      You will receive your badging and get the opportunity to meet all other participants. This will be followed by a cocktail reception.

    • New facilities & developments Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

      Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

      Maria Theresia College

      Sint-Michielsstraat 6, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
      • 1
        Words of welcome Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Maria Theresia College

        Sint-Michielsstraat 6, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
      • 2
        Exploring frontiers of laser spectroscopy in current and future radioactive ion beam facilities Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Maria Theresia College

        Sint-Michielsstraat 6, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
        Speaker: Dr Agota Koszorus
      • 3
        In-gas-jet laser spectroscopy with S3-LEB Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Maria Theresia College

        Sint-Michielsstraat 6, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
        Speaker: anjali ajayakumar
      • 4
        New Experimental Prospects for the MARA-LEB Facility Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Maria Theresia College

        Sint-Michielsstraat 6, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
        Speaker: Jorge Romero
      • 10:30 AM
        Coffee break MTC1 02.13 (Maria Theresia College)

        MTC1 02.13

        Maria Theresia College

      • 5
        Numerical simulation of heavy ion stopping and transport in the JetRIS gas cell at GSI Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Maria Theresia College

        Sint-Michielsstraat 6, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
        Speaker: Fedor Ivandikov
      • 6
        The NEXT setup to study neutron-rich transfermium nuclei Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Maria Theresia College

        Sint-Michielsstraat 6, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
        Speaker: Marko Brajkovic
    • 12:00 PM
      Lunch Break - Included MTC1 02.13

      MTC1 02.13

      Maria Theresia College

    • Medical isotopes Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

      Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

      Maria Theresia College

      Sint-Michielsstraat 6, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
      • 7
        Open Forum Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Maria Theresia College

        Sint-Michielsstraat 6, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
      • 8
        Radiometals for Cancer Treatment at TRIUMF Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Maria Theresia College

        Sint-Michielsstraat 6, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
        Speaker: Cornelia Hoehr (TRIUMF)
      • 9
        Resonance laser ionization and mass separation of 225Ac: Challenges, capabilities and perspectives Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Maria Theresia College

        Sint-Michielsstraat 6, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
        Speaker: Jake David Johnson
      • 10
        Challenges of Producing Terbium for Medical Applications Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Maria Theresia College

        Sint-Michielsstraat 6, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
        Speaker: Wiktoria Wojtaczka
      • 3:40 PM
        Coffee break MTC1 00.03 (Maria Theresia College)

        MTC1 00.03

        Maria Theresia College

      • 11
        In vitro dosimetry for assessment of Targeted-Alpha-Therapy Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Maria Theresia College

        Sint-Michielsstraat 6, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
        Speaker: Alexis DOUDARD
      • 12
        Towards a high throughput ion source for MEDICIS Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Maria Theresia College

        Sint-Michielsstraat 6, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
        Speaker: Ralitsa Ivaylova Mancheva
    • Poster session HOGC 00.50

      HOGC 00.50

      Maria Theresia College

      Chapel, Naamsestraat 69/73
    • Radioecology Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

      Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

      Maria Theresia College

      Sint-Michielsstraat 6, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
      • 13
        Radionuclide analysis with Accelerator Mass Spectrometry: Lasers make an ultra-sensitive technique more versatile Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Maria Theresia College

        Sint-Michielsstraat 6, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
        Speaker: Johannes Lachner (HZDR)
      • 14
        Multi-element ultra-trace analysis of hot particles in the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Maria Theresia College

        Sint-Michielsstraat 6, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
        Speaker: Darcy van Eerten
      • 15
        Production of synthetic homogenous U-Pu samples for determination of rL-SNMS suppression rates Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Maria Theresia College

        Sint-Michielsstraat 6, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
        Speaker: Paul Hanemann
      • 16
        Development of a time-of-flight mass spectrometer with a laser desorption / ionization source Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Maria Theresia College

        Sint-Michielsstraat 6, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
        Speaker: Keerthana KAMALAKANNAN
      • 10:30 AM
        Coffee break MTC1 00.03 (Maria Theresia College)

        MTC1 00.03

        Maria Theresia College

      • 17
        Non-destructive resonance ionization mass spectrometry of spent nuclear fuel particles Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Maria Theresia College

        Sint-Michielsstraat 6, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
        Speaker: Manuel Raiwa
      • 18
        Preparation and characterization of Pu-239 and Pu-240 recoil ion sources for U-235m studies. Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Maria Theresia College

        Sint-Michielsstraat 6, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
        Speaker: Lauren Reed
    • 12:00 PM
      Lunch break - Included MTC1 00.03

      MTC1 00.03

      Maria Theresia College

    • Technologies Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

      Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

      Maria Theresia College

      Sint-Michielsstraat 6, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
      • 19
        Open Forum 2 Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Maria Theresia College

        Sint-Michielsstraat 6, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
      • 20
        Frequency control of continuous-wave laser sources Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Maria Theresia College

        Sint-Michielsstraat 6, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
        Speaker: Volker Sonnenschein (Hübner Photonics)
      • 21
        The PI-LIST: High-resolution crossed-beams laser spectroscopy inside the ISOLDE laser ion source. Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Maria Theresia College

        Sint-Michielsstraat 6, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
        Speaker: Asar A H Jaradat
      • 22
        High-resolution laser spectroscopy of stable Dy in preparation of Dy with PI-LIST Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Maria Theresia College

        Sint-Michielsstraat 6, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
        Speaker: Julius Wilhelm Wessolek
      • 3:40 PM
        Coffee break MTC1. 02.13 (Maria Theresia College)

        MTC1. 02.13

        Maria Theresia College

      • 23
        Status of development of the JetRIS project for laser spectroscopy of the heavy actinides at GSI/HIM Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Maria Theresia College

        Sint-Michielsstraat 6, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
        Speaker: Danny Münzberg
      • 24
        High-resolution spectroscopy of exotic silver with a cw OPO injection-seeded PDA Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Maria Theresia College

        Sint-Michielsstraat 6, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
        Speaker: Mitzi Valeria Urquiza Gonzalez
    • Poster session HOGC 00.50 Chapel

      HOGC 00.50 Chapel

      Maria Theresia College

      Chapel, Naamsestraat 69/73
    • Nuclear Structure Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

      Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

      Maria Theresia College

      Sint-Michielsstraat 6, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
      • 25
        Probing Nuclear Structure with Laser Spectroscopy Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Maria Theresia College

        Sint-Michielsstraat 6, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
        Speaker: Bradley Cheal (University of Liverpool (GB))
      • 26
        Into the unknown: studying the heaviest actinides by laser spectroscopy Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Maria Theresia College

        Sint-Michielsstraat 6, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
        Speaker: Jessica Warbinek
      • 27
        Kink in Mean-square Charge Radii of Tl Isotopes Studied by In-source Laser Spectroscopy at IDS/RILIS-ISOLDE Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Maria Theresia College

        Sint-Michielsstraat 6, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
        Speaker: Zixuan Yue
      • 10:10 AM
        Coffee break MTC1 00.03 (Maria Theresia College)

        MTC1 00.03

        Maria Theresia College

      • 28
        Beta-delayed fission of neutron-rich actinides Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Maria Theresia College

        Sint-Michielsstraat 6, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
        Speaker: Silvia Bara
      • 29
        Actinide quest at IGISOL Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Maria Theresia College

        Sint-Michielsstraat 6, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
        Speaker: andrea raggio
    • 11:40 AM
      Lunch break - not included
    • Mental Health workshop Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

      Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

      Maria Theresia College

      Sint-Michielsstraat 6, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
      Convener: Stephan Marchant (KU Leuven)
    • 3:00 PM
      Abdij van Park visit
    • Football Tournament/ Excursion
    • Nuclear/ Atomic structure 2 Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

      Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

      Maria Theresia College

      Sint-Michielsstraat 6, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
      • 30
        Atomic Properties of Heavy Actinides from Laser Spectroscopy Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Maria Theresia College

        Sint-Michielsstraat 6, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
        Speaker: Michael Block
      • 31
        Nuclear structure of Pd isotopes via optical spectroscopy Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Maria Theresia College

        Sint-Michielsstraat 6, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
        Speaker: Sarina Geldhof
      • 32
        Recent results of nuclear spectroscopy for neutron-rich isotopes at KISS Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Maria Theresia College

        Sint-Michielsstraat 6, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
        Speaker: Momo Mukai
      • 33
        Towards in-gas-jet studies of isomeric 229Th+ Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Maria Theresia College

        Sint-Michielsstraat 6, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
        Speaker: Arno Claessens
      • 10:30 AM
        Coffee break MTC1 00.03 (Maria Theresia College)

        MTC1 00.03

        Maria Theresia College

      • 34
        Charge radii measurements of $^{26-34}$Al transitioning into the $N$ = 20 island of inversion Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Maria Theresia College

        Sint-Michielsstraat 6, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
        Speaker: Jordan Ray Reilly
      • 35
        Collinear resonant ionization spectroscopy of RaF Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Maria Theresia College

        Sint-Michielsstraat 6, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
        Speaker: Carlos Mario Fajardo Zambrano
      • 36
        SATLAS 2: The updated package for analysis of counting data Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Maria Theresia College

        Sint-Michielsstraat 6, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
        Speaker: Bram van den Borne (KU Leuven (BE))
    • 12:10 PM
      Lunch break - Not included
    • Ion beam production Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

      Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

      Maria Theresia College

      Sint-Michielsstraat 6, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
      • 37
        Target microstructure engineering impact on the production of radioactive ion beams: the challenge of high boiling point elements Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Maria Theresia College

        Sint-Michielsstraat 6, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
        Speaker: Dr Joao Pedro Ramos (Belgian Nuclear Research Center (BE))
      • 38
        Production of actinide atomic and molecular ion beams at CERN-ISOLDE Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Maria Theresia College

        Sint-Michielsstraat 6, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
        Speaker: Mia Au
      • 39
        Influence of the temperature profile on ionisation in a surface ion source at ISOL@MYRRHA Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Maria Theresia College

        Sint-Michielsstraat 6, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
        Speaker: Sophie Hurier
      • 3:10 PM
        Coffee break MTC1 00.03 (Maria Theresia College)

        MTC1 00.03

        Maria Theresia College

    • 40
      Public lecture Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

      Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

      Maria Theresia College

      Sint-Michielsstraat 6, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
      Speaker: Iain Moore
    • 41
      Conference dinner
    • Atomic structure Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

      Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

      Maria Theresia College

      Sint-Michielsstraat 6, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
      • 42
        Access to the nuclear properties with heavy muonic atoms Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Maria Theresia College

        Sint-Michielsstraat 6, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
        Speaker: Natalia Oreshkina (MPIK)
      • 43
        Ab initio Multi-Configurational Dirac-Hartree-Fock (MCDHF) calculations of the energy spectrum of neutral Lawrencium Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Maria Theresia College

        Sint-Michielsstraat 6, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
        Speaker: Joseph Andrews
      • 44
        Hyperfine structure and isotope shift in the atomic spectrum of neptunium Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Maria Theresia College

        Sint-Michielsstraat 6, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
        Speaker: Magdalena Anna Kaja
      • 45
        Comparison of theory and experiment for relative transition probabilities in thulium Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Maria Theresia College

        Sint-Michielsstraat 6, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
        Speaker: Andrey Bondarev
      • 10:30 AM
        Coffee break MTC1 00.03 (Maria Theresia College)

        MTC1 00.03

        Maria Theresia College

      • 46
        Hyperfine structure calculations of excited states of lawrencium using the relativistic Fock-space coupled cluster method Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Maria Theresia College

        Sint-Michielsstraat 6, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
        Speaker: Martijn Reitsma
      • 47
        Studying radioactive negative ion production cross sections Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

        Maria Theresia College

        Sint-Michielsstraat 6, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
        Speaker: Miranda Nichols
    • 48
      Closing words Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

      Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions

      Maria Theresia College

      Sint-Michielsstraat 6, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
    • 1:10 PM
      Cocktail Lunch included /Greetings MTC1 00.03

      MTC1 00.03

      Maria Theresia College