Beam request 2023: Q&A and user support session

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      General discussion

      - Some bugfixes have been applied over the weekend
      - The issue of the site sometimes getting stuck is hopefully addressed, please let us know if you still have this issue (or similar problems, especially on "slower" connections)
      - PDF hardcopy will hopefully be ready by tomorrow
      - Delete and Revert beam requests will also be available
      - One bug concerning intervals with arbitrary dates is still to be fixed -> rollout ideally also before tomorrow.
      - Did you know we have a mattermost channel?

      Please feel free to join any time in case
      - you require an activity to be created
      - need assistance in creating or filling out a beam request
      - or have any questions or issues

      Please also feel free to contact me and make an appointment for an individual meeting in case this would be more convenient for you!