Lessons learned from HH: from analyses strategy to background modelling
There has recently been increased theoretical interest in tri-Higgs production, but no experimental search or measurement has yet been performed. Several significant challenges would be faced, including signal identification and discrimination against background, modelling of complex background processes, and interpretation of the data. This talk will present an experimentalist's view of...
The production of multiple Higgs bosons at the CERN LHC provides a direct way to measure the trilinear and quartic Higgs self-interaction strengths as well as potential access to beyond the standard model effects that can enhance production at large transverse momentum 𝑝T. The largest event fraction arises from the fully hadronic final state in which every Higgs boson decays to a bottom...
The discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012 was a triumph for the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics and the mechanism of electroweak symmetry breaking. An essential ingredient to this mechanism is the Higgs field potential, which is introduced ad-hoc and assumed to be Mexican-hat shaped in the SM, but cannot be derived from first principles. It is therefore important to probe this shape...
One of the central goals of the physics program at the future colliders is to elucidate the origin of electroweak symmetry breaking, including precision measurements of the Higgs sector. This includes a detailed study of Higgs boson pair production, which can reveal the Higgs self-interaction strength through the gluon fusion mode as well as the coupling between Higgs and vector bosons through...
The search for the HHH process at the LHC targets both the quartic and trilinear Higgs self-couplings, and thereby provides important information about the shape of the Higgs potential. Indirectly, it could also give insight in the matter-antimatter asymmetry observed in the universe. This presentation discusses the relation of the HHH process with the mechanism of electroweak symmetry...
An introduction to the ATLAS Flavour Tagging, which covers the new Run 3 tagger development. In addition to the tagger itself, we will also cover the calibration programs and other statistical treatments.
Several new b-jet triggering strategies have been deployed for ATLAS Run 3. We will show the preliminary performance plots and discuss its impact on the Run 3 HHH program. In particular, we will initialize a discussion on what new triggers should be implemented for the rest of Run 3 and HL-LHC, in order to probe the full phase space.
There has been quite some advancements in the area of boosted flavour tagging in ATLAS. We will discuss the baseline tagger performance and in particular a dedicated low mass a->bb tagger.
Recent progress in heavy flavour tagging as well as boosted flavour tagging has enabled the CMS experiment to probe rare Higgs processes with more sensitivity than ever. In this talk, we will discuss the novel HH and HHH trigger strategy deployed for Run 3.
In this talk I will explore the behaviour of multi-Higgs boson production, with a focus on triple Higgs boson production, in the context of various new physics models. I will discuss theories that incorporate higher-dimensional operators, and models with one or two additional singlet scalar fields.
I will overview our recent advances in studies of various phenomenological implications of multi-Higgs extensions of the Standard Model constrained by additional symmetries. A particular focus would be
on 3HDMs, with some of their basic implications on Higgs and flavour physics.
Open session to continue the discussion between experimentalists and theorists
Additional possibility for break-out rooms in smaller group if needed
I will give a short overview on models with extended scalar sectors that allow for triple scalar final states, including most recent theoretical and experimental constraints.
We consider triple Higgs boson production at a future 100 TeV proton-proton collider.
We perform a survey of viable final states and compare and contrast triple production to Higgs boson pair production.
Focussing on the hhh -> (bb)(bb)(gamma,gamma) final state we construct a baseline analysis for the Standard Model scenario and simple deformations demonstrating that the process merits...
In this talk I will explore the behaviour of multi-Higgs boson production, with a focus on triple Higgs boson production, in the context of various new physics models. I will discuss theories that incorporate higher-dimensional operators, and models with one or two additional singlet scalar fields.