Morning session
- Brian Moser (CERN)
An introduction to the ATLAS Flavour Tagging, which covers the new Run 3 tagger development. In addition to the tagger itself, we will also cover the calibration programs and other statistical treatments.
Several new b-jet triggering strategies have been deployed for ATLAS Run 3. We will show the preliminary performance plots and discuss its impact on the Run 3 HHH program. In particular, we will initialize a discussion on what new triggers should be implemented for the rest of Run 3 and HL-LHC, in order to probe the full phase space.
There has been quite some advancements in the area of boosted flavour tagging in ATLAS. We will discuss the baseline tagger performance and in particular a dedicated low mass a->bb tagger.
Recent progress in heavy flavour tagging as well as boosted flavour tagging has enabled the CMS experiment to probe rare Higgs processes with more sensitivity than ever. In this talk, we will discuss the novel HH and HHH trigger strategy deployed for Run 3.
In this talk I will explore the behaviour of multi-Higgs boson production, with a focus on triple Higgs boson production, in the context of various new physics models. I will discuss theories that incorporate higher-dimensional operators, and models with one or two additional singlet scalar fields.