Apr 24 – 28, 2023
Europe/Zurich timezone

The unprecedented experimental performance expected by the next generation of lepton colliders poses an outstanding challenge for theoretical computations that must be pushed far beyond the current state of the art to guarantee an optimal exploitation of the data. Among the theoretical aspects of this programme, Monte Carlo event generators play a special role due to their versatility in bridging theoretical predictions and experimental measurements. The precision reached by current event generation algorithms is dramatically insufficient for this task, thus demanding a dedicated effort to improve their formal accuracy and achieve a higher precision in event simulations. The goal of this workshop is to bring together many of the world leading experts in the field to discuss recent developments and main obstacles on path to precision, as well as encourage new collaborations to tackle big open questions such as:

  • Perturbative accuracy of parton showers (PS): logarithmic accuracy; treatment of colour & spin; amplitude-level evolution; heavy quarks & resonances.
  • Non perturbative QCD: tuning observables at the future lepton colliders; hadronisation & colour reconnection.
  • Matching to hard scattering: NLO QCD and beyond; production of resonant final states.

The workshop will consist of one or two talks a day, leaving most of the time for discussions among the participants and collaboration work.

Organising committee:

  • Samuel Abreu (CERN)
  • Mrinal Dasgupta (University of Manchester)
  • David d’Enterria (CERN)
  • Silvia Ferrario Ravasio (CERN)
  • Alexander Huss (CERN)
  • Alexander Karlberg (CERN)
  • Michelangelo Mangano (CERN)
  • Pier Monni (CERN)
  • Simon Plätzer (University of Graz)
  • Alba Soto Ontoso (CERN)
  • Gregory Soyez (IPhT Saclay)
  • Robert Szafron (BNL)
  • Johann Usovitsch (CERN)
4/3-006 - TH Conference Room
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Registration for this event is currently open.