This Workshop is a sequel to the 1st SF days organized in 2022 at IdeaSquare. The purpose is to engage participants in discussions related to the role of technology in future societies (e.g. detection and imaging) and to communicating them to laymen, in an unashamedly futuristic and speculative setting.
The challenge: How to approach the concept of Post Truth Society, using tools and methods from Science Fiction writing?
The participants are invited to:
- extrapolate from the results from the previous workshop potential futures in which the science and technology are an integral part of Post Truth Societies
- come up with narratives that scientists can use while communicating the significance and future possibilities of the work being done at CERN and ATTRACT. Some sources of possible inspiration:
- Volunteering to share your ideas beforehand, and to give a max 10 min informal summary on Day 1.
We invite SF-writers, philosophers, futurists, designers, anthropologists, political scientists, sociologists, psychologists, historians, engineers and (selected) physicists to attend. By invitation only. Limited seats available. Unfortunately, we cannot pay for travel and stay, but lunches, dinner and a visit to the Secrets of the Universe (experiment to be confirmed) will be offered.
A splendid time is guaranteed for all.
Please read the attached outline material from last year for reference and watch these teasers (1,2) as source of inspiration ...
Directions on how to get to CERN you can find here:
Hotels: we suggest either our hostel, or NH Hotels in nearby Meyrin.
When on CERN site, you can find the meeting venue Ideasquare with this Google-map. Please note IdeaSquare is on the public side of the fence, access via the car park behind the Globe.