18 February 2023
University of Houston - Main Campus
US/Central timezone

QCD equation of state at finite density with a critical point from an alternative expansion scheme

18 Feb 2023, 13:30
University of Houston - Main Campus

University of Houston - Main Campus

101 Farish Hall
Talk High Energy Physics, Nuclear Theory and QFT Parallel Session 1


Micheal Kahangirwe


In Ref. [1], results for the QCD equation of state from the lattice Taylor expansion were combined with the 3D Ising model critical behavior, to build a family of equations of state which match first principle results and contain a critical point in the expected universality class for QCD. This family of equations of state was limited to chemical potentials $0 \leq \mu_B\leq$450 MeV, due to the limitations of the Taylor expansion. In Ref.[2], an alternative expansion scheme was introduced, for extrapolating the lattice QCD equation of state to finite chemical potential. In this research, we combine these two approaches to obtain a family of equations of state in the range $ 0 \leq \mu_B \leq 700$ MeV and $ 30 MeV \leq T \leq 800$ MeV, that match the lattice QCD results at small density and contain a 3D-Ising model critical point. With these new equations of state, we substantially extend the coverage of the QCD phase diagram.
Our open-source code allows the user to choose the position and strength of the critical point. Our results provide an input for hydrodynamical simulations at finite $T$ and unprecedentedly large $\mu_B$ and will help constrain the location of the critical point through a comparison with experimental data from the Second Beam Energy Scan at RHIC.

[1] Parotto, P., Bluhm, M., Mroczek, D., Nahrgang, M., Noronha-Hostler, J., Rajagopal, K., ... & Stephanov, M. (2020). QCD equation of state matched to lattice data and exhibiting a critical point singularity. Physical Review C, 101(3), 034901.

[2] Borsányi, S., Fodor, Z., Guenther, J. N., Kara, R., Katz, S. D., Parotto, P., ... & Szabó, K. K. (2021). Lattice QCD equation of state at finite chemical potential from an alternative expansion scheme. Physical review letters, 126(23), 232001.

Academic year 3rd year
Research Advisor Prof. Claudia Ratti

Primary author

Presentation materials