9–12 Oct 2023
Europe/Zurich timezone

Comparative benchmarks for statistical analysis frameworks in Python

11 Oct 2023, 15:00


Daniel Werner


The statistical models that are used in modern HEP research are independent of their specific implementations. As a consequence, many different tools have been developed to perform statistical analyses in HEP. These implementations differ both in their performance, but also in their usability. In this scenario, comparative benchmarks are essential to aid users in choosing a library and to support developers in resolving bottlenecks or usability shortcomings.
This contribution showcases a comparison of some of the most used tools in statistical analyses. The python package pyhf focuses on template histogram fits, which are the backbone of many analyses at the ATLAS and CMS experiments. In contrast, zfit mainly focuses on unbinned fits to analytical functions. The third tool, RooFit, is part of the ROOT analysis framework, implemented in C++ but with Python bindings. RooFit can perform both template histogram and unbinned fits and is thus compared to both other packages.
To benchmark pyhf and RooFit, the "Simple Hypothesis Testing" example from the pyhf tutorial is used. The complexity of this example is scaled up by increasing the number of bins and measurement channels. In the benchmark of zfit and RooFit, the same unbinned fits are used as in the original zfit paper.
In all frameworks, the minimizer Minuit2 is used with identical settings, leading to a comparison of the different likelihood evaluation backends. While working on these benchmarks, we were in contact with developers of all three benchmarked frameworks. This talk will focus on the results of the comparative benchmarks between the different frameworks.


Daniel Werner Jonas Rembser (CERN) Lorenzo Moneta (CERN)

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