Applications and studies
- Paul Schütze (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
In preparation for the High Luminosity LHC phase, the ATLAS collaboration is developing a new all-silicon tracking detector called the Inner Tracker (ITk). At the core of the new tracker will be 5 barrel layers equipped with hybrid pixel detectors with a fine pitch of either 50x50 or 25x100 μm. The new detector will need to withstand radiation damage levels up to 10 times greater than the...
Optimisation of the sensitive region of CMOS sensors with nonlinear electric fields requires precise simulations, which can be achieved by a combination of finite-element electrostatic field simulations and Monte Carlo methods. Exact predictions of the behaviour of monolithic active pixel sensors produced using commercial CMOS imaging processes are difficult to make, as the detailed electric...
The principle of signal formation in every ionization detector can be understood using the Shockley-Ramo Theorem. This simple but useful theorem states that the induced current in an electrode is proportional to the movements of the charges along the direction of a field called the Weighting Field. As such, this special field, or its potential called Weighting Potential are required to...
Beam telescopes are used to investigate future particle detector prototypes, and to do this efficiently they must provide excellent position and time resolution at the device under test location. One of the goals of the Tangerine Project is to develop a beam telescope based on sensors created in a 65 nm CMOS imaging process. In order to study the tracking performance and optimize the best...
Hexagonal pixels can be beneficial compared to rectangular geometries. By using a hexagonal pixel grid, the amount of shared charge in pixel corners is reduced, allowing for efficient operation over a larger threshold range for small signals. The pixel corners also have a larger opening angle compared to rectangular pixels, significantly impacting the electric field in this regions. A...