Applications and studies
- Simon Spannagel (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
The talk will present the latest implementation of the Timepix3 front-end simulator. The front-end electronics channel is modelled using an integrator stage and parallel low-pass filtered feedback loops with individually configurable time constants. The system noise is implemented using independent bandwidth limited noise channels for pre-amplifier, feedback and threshold noise. The Timepix3...
In this work, we present a framework, wrapped around Allpix$^2$, that can be used to optimize the performance of the HL-LHC CMS Inner Tracker. The framework uses minimum-bias events, generated at a pileup of 200, and simulates their transversal through silicon pixel sensors with Allpix$^2$. The behavior of the Inner Tracker front-end (RD53B-CMS, i.e. CROC), for processing pixel hits, has been...
The Inner Tracker of the ATLAS experiment requires the optimal performance
of its pixel sensors. To test their efficiency, a reliable track reconstruction and
analysis for testbeam data is necessary to ensure the precise detection of par-
ticles. The quality of data from testbeam campaigns are influenced by many
factors, including high beam densities, which can impair the track...
Silicon Carbide (SiC) is a wide-bandgap semiconductor that has recently become a topic of intensified interest in the HEP instrumentation community due to the availability of high-quality wafers from the power electronics industry. SiC features multiple advantageous material properties over silicon. It is insensitive to visible light, hypothesized to be more radiation hard, and has much lower...
Allpix-Squard is Geant4 based modular framework that was initially designed for the simulation of silicon detectors in high-energy physics but now its sensor material capability and applicability have been extended. My work is intended to check the validity of the implementation of Diamond material in Allpix-squared. Diamond sensors have specific applications in high-energy physic because of...