- Postbac Workshop (UCSD), June 20-21
- Mentoring Program
- Postbac Quarterly Check-in
- 2nd-year cohort job advertisement
Mentoring Program
- Now launched!
- 15 pairs
- Google form after 1st meeting
Postbac Quarterly Check-in
- Melissa prepared email
- Update when2meet
- post to postbac announcements channel
- Melissa + Tony to run
- Follow up with A3D3 PIs
- Twitter push
Postbac Workshop
- Registration form: add question about travel, lodging, accommodations needs, virtual?
- Clarify we have support
- if postbac, what do you plan to do post-postbac plans (if you know) -- check box?
- if postbac, when did you start?
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