10th Seminar of HITRIplus - Helium Ion Beam Therapy



Sandro Rossi (Fondazione CNAO)

Global general scientific seminars linked to the HITRIplus project activities organised in the context of WP2 Networking, Communication, Dissemination.

Zoom Link:  https://cern.zoom.us/j/61685320002?pwd=Z3RRRStrUWs0RlE0RUVjd2dsL3JQdz09

About the speakers:

Dr. Thomas Tessonnier is Medical Phyisict/Researcher at HIT, the Heidelberg Ion Beam Therapy Center (Heidelberg, Germany) at the Heidelberg University Hospital (UKHD). In 2017, after graduating his PhD in Physics at the LMU (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Munich, Germany) in collaboration with UKHD, he acted as lead physicist for commissioning and clinical routine of the proton therapy center of Caen (CYCLHAD, France) under the clinical responsibility of the centre François Baclesse. In 2020, he returned to HIT as Medical Physicist and researcher at the BioPT group. His main research activities focus on the implementation of the helium ion beams for the clinical routine as well as the investigation of radiobiological model for ion therapy. He is involved in other novel research area linked to particle therapy such as FLASH and ion arc therapy (SHArc).

Prof. Dr. Andrea Mairani is a senior physicist at the Heidelberg Ion Beam Therapy Center (HIT) and at the National Center for Oncological Hadrontherapy (CNAO). He has got his PhD in Physics at the University of Pavia and University of Houston. He moved to Germany for the start-up and the commissioning of HIT in 2008. He later joined CNAO in 2011 for its commissioning and clinical operation.  In 2015, He established in Heidelberg a multi-institutional research and clinical support team called the Biophysics in Particle Therapy (BioPT) group, which aims to assimilate multi- dimensional solutions to key issues in particle therapy to better understand underlying physical and biological mechanisms. In BioPT, He advises about twenty PhD/MS students and postdocs to introduce advanced treatment modalities and computational methods for charged particle therapy into clinical environments, improve the accuracy of the clinical treatment planning systems used daily by clinicians, support the validation, commissioning and routine clinical use of the TPS against dosimetric and in vitro and in vivo biological measurements, and develop both analytical and Monte Carlo simulation-based tools for all beam modalities available.

Dr. Semi Harrabi is a radiation oncologist at University Hospital Heidelberg and primary responsible for the Heidelberg Ion Beam Therapy Centre (HIT). His field of interest and expertise lie in pediatric cancers, neuro-oncology, sarcoma and the application of high-precision radiotherapy with charged particles. His research aims to develop innovative treatment options with protons, helium and carbon ions to improve outcome and decrease the burden of treatment related sequelae. He is an active member of both national and international working groups related to particle therapy or pediatric oncology and serves on the steering committees for osteosarcoma (COSS), rhabdomyosarcoma (CWS) and the SIOPE radiation oncology working group. Further, he is co-founder of the consortium reference radiotherapy for the German pediatric oncology society and head of the national radiotherapy reference institution for pediatric low-grade glioma.


    • 5:00 PM 5:45 PM
      Helium Ion Beam Therapy 45m
    • 5:45 PM 6:00 PM
      Open Discussion 15m