16 March 2023
Europe/Zurich timezone

CMS Guides

Bugra Bilin 

Bugra Bilin is a physicist, he has been working in CMS since 2010, where his journey started as a master student from METU Ankara. He then finished his PhD in the same institute in 2017, working on precision measurements of vector bosons as well as top quark pairs. Currently he is working as a CERN Fellow, mainly concentrating on the tests of state-of-the-art modules for the new CMS silicon inner tracker detectors and analysis of Higgs bosons decaying into light quarks with CMS Run-II data. He also co-coordinates the Physics Data and MC generation group mainly responsible for the Monte-Carlo event generation and simulation of the CMS detector for both Run-II as well as current Run-III collisions, which is crucial to get the most out of these data. He also takes various roles in the central shift crew (DAQ shifter, shift leader, Run Field Manager) operating CMS during data taking.

 Nikos Tsipinakis 

Nikos is a computer engineer working at CMS. He studied Computer Science at the Harokopio University of Athens. He is interested in large scale distributed systems and contributes multiple open-source projects. He started working for the IT department at CERN in 2021 and worked on implementing a secure container-based architecture for CERN's interactive login service (LxPlus). In 2022 he started working for the CMS experiment as a distributed computing infrastructure engineer where he manages and develops the CMS Global computing pool.


CMS virtual visits technical experts:


Noemi Beni 

Zoltan Szillasi

Zoltan and Noemi, physicists, PhD in particle physics

During the last 20 years, they have been working for Hardware Muon Barrel Alignment System and Fiber Optical Sensing System at CMS

Their big hobby has been the CMS Virtual visits since the beginning.