25–26 Apr 2023
Ångström Laboratory - Uppsala University, Sweden
Europe/Stockholm timezone



Postdoc Position in Ångström Laboratory,Uppsala University ...

Ångström Laboratory, Lägerhydddsvägen 1, Uppsala

The conference takes place at the Ångström Laboratory located at the Polacksbacken Campus of Uppsala University. The Ångström Laboratory is 10 minutes by bus or a 30 minutes walk from the city center:


Meeting room

80127, Ångström


Uppsala - the university city

Uppsala is Sweden’s fourth largest city with a population of 200 000 inhabitants. Unique cultural treasures and an exciting history are to be found in the city of knowledge and inspiration. Uppsala has retained its small-town charm while offering a big city’s selection of shops, restaurants and other entertainment.

Uppsala has many historical attractions. Among the most famous are:

  • Uppsala Cathedral - The largest cathedral in Scandinavia
  • Museum Gustavianum - The oldest university building with a unique anatomical theatre build in the 1600's. The museum contains the so-called Augsburgs Art Cabinet and artifacts from the Viking period.
  • University Main Building - Build in the 1880's it contains the main auditorium.
  • Carolina Rediviva - The university library. It's permanent display includes the Codex Argenteus, or Silver Bible, from the 4th century.
  • The Botanical Garden - One of Sweden’s eldest botanical gardens
  • The Linnaeus Garden - A botanical garden with Carl Linnaeus' professorial residence
  • Uppsala Castle - The royal castle dates from the mid-1500's when Uppsala was the capital of Sweden.

However, Uppsala is not only known for its traditions. Today Uppsala is a dynamic industrial and commercial city where knowledge, ideas and entrepreneurship are at the center. The city’s geographical location with only 30 minutes to Stockholm-Arlanda international airport and 40 minutes to Stockholm has made Uppsala an attractive place for meetings.

For information on how to reach Uppsala, please visit the Travel page on this website.


Useful links

Destination Uppsala
Visit Sweden
Uppsala University