Jun 15 – 17, 2023
Mount Allison University
Canada/Atlantic timezone

Classical-Quantum Approximation for Bipartite Quantum Systems

Jun 17, 2023, 4:30 PM
Dunn 113 (Mount Allison University)

Dunn 113

Mount Allison University

67 York St., Sackville, New Brunswick
String and Quantum Gravity String and Quantum Gravity


nomaan x (university of new brunswick)


We derive a “classical-quantum” approximation scheme for a broad class of bipartite quantum systems. In this approximation, one subsystem’s evolution is governed by classical equations of motion with quantum corrections, and the other subsystem evolves quantum mechanically with equations of motion informed by the classical degrees of freedom. Similar approximations are common when discussing the backreaction of quantum fields on curved spacetime, as in Hawking radiation around black holes or the generation of primordial perturbations in inflation.

Primary authors

Irfan Javed (University of New Brunswick) Sanjeev Seahra Viqar Husain nomaan x (university of new brunswick)

Presentation materials