Jun 15 – 17, 2023
Mount Allison University
Canada/Atlantic timezone

Extending qubit dihedral benchmarking to complete the characterisation of a universal qutrit gate set

Jun 16, 2023, 10:00 AM
Dunn 113 (Mount Allison University)

Dunn 113

Mount Allison University

67 York St., Sackville, New Brunswick
Quantum Information Quantum Information


David Amaro Alcala (University of Calgary)


To effectively operate a large-scale quantum computer, it is essential to thoroughly and confidently assess the performance of its components. 
The gold standard for performance assessment of quantum gates is randomised benchmarking.
In particular, randomised benchmarking of universal qutrit quantum gates is needed.
In this presentation I will show how we advance from qubit dihedral benchmarking using the group $D_8$ to benchmarking a qutrit T gate by generalizing $D_8$ using the unique group for qutrits that satisfies three criteria inspired by $D_8$.
Using this generalization of $D_8$ we can complete the characterisation of a universal qutrit gate set.
I will also briefly discuss the application of our criteria to T gate benchmarking in the ququart and ququint cases.

Primary author

David Amaro Alcala (University of Calgary)


Presentation materials