In general, black holes interact with
external matter and fields. A four-dimensional static black hole
within a static external axisymmetric gravitational field can be
described by a Weyl solution of the Einstein equations. These results
can be extended to higher dimensions using the generalized Weyl form.
Various studies have been devoted to investigate the properties of the
distorted black holes so far. These include a distorted five
dimensional Schwarzschild-Tangherlini black hole, a distorted five
dimensional Reissner-Nordstrom black hole and a distorted black ring.
In this talk, we consider five-dimensional Weyl solutions, which are
characterized by two independent axially symmetric harmonic functions in
three-dimensional flat space. Using this method, we investigate
distortions of a vacuum five-dimensional black hole with a “bubble' (the
black hole exterior has nontrivial topology).